
Implementation element. A compilation of programs and specific actions to be completed in a stated sequence, including proposed changes to any applicable zoning ordinances, official maps, sign regulations, erosion and storm water control ordinances, historic preservation ordinances, site plan regulations, design review ordinances, building codes, mechanical codes, housing codes, sanitary codes or subdivision ordinances, to implement the objectives, policies, plans and programs contained in pars. (a) to (h). The element shall describe how each of the elements of the comprehensive plan will be integrated and made consistent with the other elements of the comprehensive plan, and shall include a mechanism to measure the local governmental unit’s progress toward achieving all aspects of the comprehensive plan. The element shall include a process for updating the comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan under this subsection shall be updated no less than once every 10 years.



To best serve as a guiding reference for the implementation of this Comprehensive Plan, this implementation element has been organized into four section headings. These headings , in order, are policies, proposed regulation & regulation amendments, tasks, and open space. It is the intent of policies to act as guiding statements for how decisions should be made. It is the intent of proposed regulations and regulation amendments to serve as the guiding principals for ordinance development and modification. Task have been ranked by priority and should be used as an action plan. Last, open space is an expression of the value that the Town of Rushford places on this valuable resource. Open space recommendations should be consulted and applied in all development project proposals as appropriate. In addition to these reasons, the implementation element has been organized in this fashion to pull together all of the elements of this Comprehensive Plan. By doing so the internal consistency of this Comprehensive Plan has been ensured.





·         The Town of Rushford's Comprehensive Plan will be a living/working document. As new issues arise methods for incorporating them into the plan will be followed so that the plan remains current with changing community needs. At a minimum the Comprehensive Plan shall be up dated once every ten (10) years as required by law.

·         Manage roadway speed limits and usage so as to minimize conflicts between farm machinery and vehicular uses.


·        Encourage the use of conservation easements and deed restrictions by private landowners to keep prime agricultural land from being developed.


·         Encourage Winnebago County to create and budget for an active countywide conservation easement acquisition program.


·         Direct new development to the concentration zones of the crossroads communities of Eureka and Waukau.


·         Encourage all farm operations in the Town of Rushford to work with the Winnebago County Land and Water Conservation Department to create, file and operate under farm management plans.


·        Encourage the use of conservation easements and deed restrictions by private landowners to keep natural resource areas from being developed.


·         Support and assist when appropriate, existing natural resource preservation groups and associations.


·         Continue to value the town’s ethnic diversity actively seeking to involve all groups in activities and governance.


·         Encourage the wise use of development lands by advocating the use of development concepts such as cluster development techniques and Conservation design.


·        Assure that the fair housing rights of all citizens are protected.


·         Advocate the use of existing state and federal housing programs throughout the community. Educate residents on their availability.


·        Encourage perspective commercial businesses to locate in the Eureka or Waukau area.


·         Refer larger potential commercial or industrial businesses to adjoining community business parks.

·         Continue to support Industrial development efforts in the City of Omro through the contribution of IDB program funds.


·         Work with county, state and federal agencies on property and facilities management issues.


·        Minimize development in areas which are likely to be required to meet transportation needs in the future.


·         Work with neighboring communities to solve problems along major arterials so that the entire corridor may be addressed, not just up to the border.


·         The site design of new developments should be compatible with efficient movement of traffic, on to and off of public roadways and, at the same time are conducive to pedestrian movements, bicycle traffic and transit use. All new developments should be required to go through a site design/development review process.


·         Avoid flag lots on arterial streets and collectors to ensure appropriate spacing between driveways.


·        If needed, the town will facilitate discussions about the need for public utility services for either the greater Eureka or greater Waukau areas.


·        The town will work cooperatively with WiDNR, and the USF&W agencies in the management of their properties within the township.


·         The Town will work cooperatively with Winnebago County to manage county parks and recreation facilities within the township.


·        The town will continue to manage its Town Hall facility to ensure that it meets the needs of local residents.


·        The town will work cooperatively with its fire district partners to ensure adequate fire protection, equipment and facilities exist.


·         The town will continue to work cooperatively with the Winnebago County Sheriffs Department to ensure the safety and protection of its citizens.


·        Encourage new development to provide a mix of housing types to provide opportunities/options for families of all types, sizes and income levels.


·         Encourage the development of smaller building lots through broader use of the R-2 zone, and by decreasing the minimum lot size and width requirements of the R-1 zone.


·        Continue to invite adjoining Town’s, school district’s, and other stakeholders to participate in facility planning meetings and encourage these entities to inform the Town of their plans.


·        Participate in joint planning efforts with Winnebago County in an effort to reduce duplication, address common issues and provide for residents and businesses in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. 


·        Continue to work with adjoining Town’s to ensure consistency in plans to minimize future conflicts and to avoid the need for boundary agreements. 


·         Explore the potential of jointly developing and managing parks and recreational facilities with Winnebago County, school district’s, and community-at-large.


·        Manage the quality, quantity, location and rate (density) of housing development in order to insure the efficient use and conservation of the Town’s natural and public resources.


·        New residential development should only take place on land that is NOT classified as Prime Farmland as defined in the soil survey of Winnebago County, Wisconsin, prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service. This Comprehensive Land Use Plan will include Class I, II, & III as Prime Farmland.


·        Locate new high-density residential development only in those areas shown on the future land use map as being suitable for this type of development.


·        Encourage downtown revitalization to enhance community character and downtown business climate.


·        Encourage the use of existing (as of the date of this plan) platted residential lots before approving the platting of new residential areas.


·        Residential development should be encouraged in areas easily served by existing infrastructure.






·         Draft and adopt a local right to farm ordinance confirming the town’s commitment to agricultural activities.


·         Manage new growth and development so that a total net density of no more than one (1) unit per twenty (20) acres is allowed to be built in the rural zone of the township.


·        Amend the local land division/subdivision ordinance to call for formal town review and approval of all new land divisions.


·        Establish a land division and development review process which incorporates consideration of the following components for granting approval:


·        Existence of prime farmland

·        Soil types and suitability

·        Existence of wetlands and other hydrographic conditions

·        Topography and slope

·        Proximity to adjacent large tracts of agricultural lands


·        When considering new development proposals, full consideration of farmable land and prime farmland soils should be undertaken in the decision making process.


·        Review the County shoreland and wetland zoning district ordinances and consider the need for greater restrictions and local adoption.


·        Draft and adopt a local animal feedlot ordinance for the purpose of protecting local water quality.


·        Review and amend current A2 and A3 zoning district standards to incorporate animal density standards on a unit per acre under ownership basis. Such a standard could be the following:


Example Table

Number of Animal Types Equivalent to 1,000 Animal Units and

Animal Equivalency Factors


Number Equivalent to 1,000 Animal Units

Subcategory of Animal Types

Animal Equivalency Factor







Milking and Dry Cows

Heifers (800 to 1,200 lbs)

Heifers (400 to 800 lbs)

Calves (under 400 lbs)












Steers or Cows (1,000 lbs to Mkt)

Steers or Cows (600 to 1,000 lbs)

Calves (under 600 lbs)













Pigs (55 lbs to Mkt)

Pigs (up to 55 lbs)











Per Animal






Per Animal







Per Bird (Wet Lot)

Per Bird (Dry Lot)
















Per Bird







Calculated Total



·        Fully consider the impacts of new development on all natural resources the land division and development review process including the potential impacts to:


·        Water quality

·        Habitat and reproduction

·        Ecosystems

·        Movement corridors

·        Endangered and threatened species

·        Aesthetic values

·        Etc.


·        Draft and adopt a storm water and erosion control ordinance to preserve and protect soils and water quality.


·        Draft and adopt a local nuisance control ordinance. The ordinance should address issues of health safety and welfare with respect to noise, air pollution, soils contamination, ground and surface water protection, etc.


·         Amend the existing zoning ordinance to include a new conservation-zoning district.


·        Amend the Towns Current Zoning ordinance to create minimum safety standards for all housing units such as a minimum width, appropriate lot size standards, etc. Use these standards in the development review process in the granting of approvals.


·         Consider the local adoption and enforcement of the State Uniform Dwelling Code.


·         Ask developers and individuals to dedicate a portion of their land for necessary transportation improvements.


·        Wisconsin statutes give all levels of government the authority to require a permit for the construction of a private driveway onto a public road. The Town of Rushford shall amend its ordinance with appropriate standards to initiate this permitting process within the township in consistency with this Comprehensive Plan.


·         Minimum lot frontages along arterials and collectors should be increased to allow for greater spacing between driveways.


·        Require “stubs” in developments so that future developments may be connected to the roadway network.


·        Limit the use, length and number of lots for cul de sacs and dead ends.


·         Require pedestrian and bicycle paths at end of cul de sacs which connect to activity centers.


·        Provide residential properties access within developments, not on arterials.


·        Require review of all minor replats. Ensure that arterials and collectors are not lined with driveways from small lots by reviewing all minor splits.


·        Monitor airstrip use within the township, taking action with appropriate regulation only if warranted.


·        Work with WiDNR wardens and the Winnebago County safety patrol to enforce speed limits for safety along the Fox River.


·         Consider the need to map official snowmobile routes within the township and work with local clubs to ensure safety.


·        Jointly with Winnebago County, adopt a storm water management plan and ordinance that specifies facilities and standards necessary to properly accommodate run-off.


·        Developers shall bare the cost of infrastructure within their developments.


·        Require developers to comply with erosion control ordinance and return lands to a near normal setting after completion of construction.


·        Require that only domestic pets be allowed to be kept in residential developments.


·        Commercial establishments are, to a considerable extent, encouraged to group in the commercial center areas of Eureka and Waukau. Proximity to the transportation systems of each of these two crossroads communities and the desire to grow them as community centers is foremost in the feasibility of why commercial development ought to be focused in these locations. It is understood that this may not be feasible in every case, but for safety, convenience, accessibility, and energy conservation, new commercial development should follow, in general, this concept.


The grouping of commercial development in these community centers adjacent to existing and future commercial development uses allows the provision of alternative forms of transportation i.e. bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In addition, this pattern of development accentuates convenience between employers and services. Where not feasible to develop in this way, provisions should be made for entrance and exit patterns that allow for the safe flow of traffic.


·        All new commercial development shall be subject to a site plan review process. This “process” is intended to be a pre-construction review and negotiation between the Town of Rushford and the developer. Because this is an up front process, hand drawn documents of the proposed development will be all that is required from the developer in order for this process to occur. The site review process will incorporate the following criteria for consideration in order to determine proposal feasibility:


·        Road Access – Determination of a new commercial developments need for road or state highway access shall be made. Those businesses that will serve primarily local residents and will not be using large trucks for delivery or shipping purposes will not need direct access to the state highway network. However, other types of businesses may need to be located in close proximity to the state highway system.


·        An evaluation of safety concerns at the proposed site of ingress and egress shall be conducted. Specifically, field of vision, view corridor and view obstruction shall be considered. Slope of access point and existence of pedestrian crossings shall also be considered.


·        Conflict with existing adjacent land use shall be considered in this process.


·        Hours of operation and the potential for disturbance (noise) to adjacent property’s shall be considered.


·        A minimum of 20% of the developed site shall be put into landscaping (grass, shrubs, trees or other suitable materials). The area shall be kept free of refuse and debris.


·        Building appearance, size and architectural integrity shall be considered in accordance to the proposed developments ability to mix aesthetically with surrounding existing development, proposed square footage of the development in relation to the buildable envelope of the property, and the soundness of building materials being proposed to be used.


·        Refuse and other outdoor storage must be planned for in advance of construction. These areas shall be within side yard and set back requirements of the property and shall be screened from view by either fencing or vegetative means.


·        Alter the existing allowable uses in the A-3 zoning district so as to create a more clear separation between production agriculture, hobby agriculture and rural residential living and define the minimum and maximum parcel size for the district.


·        The cost of all new Town roads proposed as part of development shall be borne by the developer.


·        All public roads are required to meet Town, County and State Standards.


·        The developer shall be required to fund any public services or infrastructure required by the proposed development








Priority Ranking

Continue to provide information and education on agricultural assistance and education provided through agency programs and services to the local agricultural community.


Work in cooperation with the Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation department to implement its water quality and conservation programs locally, encouraging their use by local residents and property owners.


Meet with DNR land managers and U.S. Fish & Wildlife land managers periodically to understand and assist with the management of the Leopold wetland management district and the Glacial habitat restoration program.



Advocate the need for the creation of a Fox River, river association.


Fully inventory all cultural resources within the Town of Rushford.


Contact and meet with the local and/or State Historical Society representatives to better understand programs and opportunities.


Work with local, regional and state tourism promotional groups such as the Oshkosh Convention and Visitors bureau, The State Heritage Tourism Council and the Wisconsin Department of tourism to promote and protect local cultural resources.


Visually represent the location and density of acceptable areas for new housing development within the town for the next twenty years in this plans future land use map.


distinguish between types of housing, i.e. single family, multi-family, rural residential, etc., on the town’s future land use map.


Strengthen existing established neighborhoods by finding new uses for abandon or under used land.


Aggressively pursue payment of delinquent property taxes to pressure owners of abandon or under used property to sell.


Actively recruit for the development of a senior housing complex to be located in or near Eureka or Waukau by talking to local hospitals and other developers.


Illustrate on the town’s future land use map sufficient area and a variety of locations for potential commercial land use.


Concentrate commercial land use areas in and around the crossroads communities or Eureka and Waukau.


Maintain concentrated commercial zoning on the “Main Street” corridors of Eureka and Waukau.


Monitor at home business operations to minimize land use conflicts and to ensure relocation if warranted.


Inquire with several c-store franchises about the feasibility of placing a store in Eureka.


Participate with local and regional groups and organizations in the promotion of tourism based amenities.


Maintain an accurate and up to date Master Thoroughfare Road Plan.


Official mapping of future rights of way can be used to inform the public and prevent development in locations of future facilities.


Create and implement these regulations so that proper street layout in relation to existing or planned roadways occurs; adequate space for emergency access and utilities is provided; adequate water, drainage, and sanitary sewer facilities are provided; and appropriate site design is created. The administrative review and evaluation procedure for processing conceptual, perliminary and final plats shall include on the plat; design principals and standards for lots, blocks, streets, public places, pedestrian ways, and utilities; required improvements, including streets, sidewalks, water sewer and curbs and gutter; and financing and maintenance responsibilities. These regulations will help justify decisions made and help developers have a clear idea of what is expected in the community.


The town will supplement the Wuakau Creek Nature Preserve by placing into conservation the Rush Creek bed corridor for the area between the counties two current holdings and up stream to the USF&W Uihlein WPA property holding.


The town will protect and ensure additional future open space by considering the adoption of a conservation subdivision ordinance, implementing a site plan review program as part of its land division ordinance and considering mandatory open space percentages for all new subdivision developments.


Study current zoning and land division policies and regulations and update as needed to ensure consistency with the policies of the Smart Growth plan.


Consult the policies contained within the Comprehensive Plan prior to making decisions regarding capital improvements


Update the Town zoning ordinance to incorporate implementation tools identified within the Comprehensive Plan, as appropriate.


Develop and implement design standards to encourage efficient development patterns incorporating interconnected street patterns and limited use of cul-de-sac streets.


Consider amendment of the current residential zoning district regulations to permit smaller lots.


Explore and promote incentive options to encourage businesses to choose a downtown location.


Explore the feasibility of creating a public/private partnership to prompt the development/redevelopment of affordable and appropriately designed senior housing.


Explore the potential for public/private investment in the development of homes for first-time buyers.





Open space is not the same as vacant or agricultural land. Open space is open area that, because it has value to the Town and its residents, is preserved and managed. In most cases, open spaces can offer multiple benefits, including; outdoor recreation, preservation animal and plant habitat, air and water quality improvement, flood and storm water management, visual and other sensory relief from the built and developed environment, nature education, physical definition of land areas, and economic well-being of the town.


Such resources such as the extensive network of wetlands in the township, should be viewed as infrastructure, just like roads and schools. There is an economy to provide open space in that it improves the attractiveness of the town for investment and a place to live and work. In short it adds to the perception of ones quality of life. It helps to avoid the hazards and costs that can occur when floodplains and wetlands are allowed to develop and when expensive structural measures are required in order to solve flood and storm water problems.


In some instances, private land functions as open space by providing open space benefits and by being protected and managed as open space. It becomes part of the “land use” balance of the town. As the demand for outdoor recreation increases, Town officials must find the most effective way of providing open space and using open space to its greatest benefit. The wetland network of the township, like undeveloped vacant and agricultural lands, is under constant pressure and need to be protected. Natural areas are often easily altered to accommodate development. As a result, many open space and agricultural resources are converted to urbanized landscapes. The preservation of open lands is often a major tool for defining the character and quality of the town.





·        To recognize and respect the natural environment as an irreplaceable resource; and to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources of the town for the enjoyment of both present residents and future generations.




·        Preserve the natural landscape features such as woodlands, wetlands, flood plains, streams, steep slopees and prairies.

·        Ensure an appropriate amount and distribution of land for open space throughout the town, placing special emphasis on preserving and enhancing the natural and scenic environment.


·        Protect shorelines and wetlands, and upgrade the quality of the surface and groundwater in the town.


·        Ensure that future development does not disrupt natural drainage ways.



Policies & Recommendations


·        Require dedication of adequate open space by land developers to meet the demands of new residents of the development.


·        Identify disturbed or degraded stream bank, slopes and wetland areas that are important to water quality and to support all level of government in efforts to restore such areas.


·        Protect natural drainage areas, flood plains and wetlands to avoid costly man-made storm water correction projects (BMP’s).


·        Encourage the permanent protection of private land holdings through conservation easements, deed restrictions and other methods.


The Comprehensive Plan recognizes that open space in the Town of Rushford is a valuable natural resource with significant practical value. It can be utilized for a variety of purposes such as conservation of fragile lands, active and passive recreation uses, multi-use or limited use trail systems, and protection of plant and wildlife habitat. It protects both the rural character of the town, and sensitive lands such as groundwater recharge areas and flood plains.


Private citizens can play an important role in the preservation of open spaces and scenic vistas through careful stewardship of their lands. The plan supports this process by encouraging the permanent protection of private land holdings through conservation easements or deed restrictions.