Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Town of Rushford January 2010 Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on January 6th by Chairman Tom Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Patrick Kafer, Kathryn Lewis and Peggy Hendricks present. Also present for all or part of the meeting: 15 additional persons per attendance record on file.
Notice of this meeting was posted at Eureka & Waukau post office, the web page, and the town hall door. Notices were also mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrators.
Discussion with Sherriff’s Department Deputy Josh Rose from Winnebago County Sherriff’s office was here to give an update on the string of burglaries that have taken place in the Town of Rushford. There have been over 30 so far and the items they are interested in are firearms, cash and big screen TV’s. They have increased patrol to 4-9 officers and they do have some suspects, but they can’t give a lot of information out at this time. They ask residents if they see anything suspicious to call 911, Crime Busters or Detective Theyerl at 920-236-7367. Rose went though precautions residents could take to possibly avoid a break in, such as motion lights, a dog, locked doors, trimming bushes and shrubs next to home and establishing a neighborhood watch.
Next John Jorgensen was present to introduce himself. He is running for Winnebago County Circuit Court Judge, which is being vacated by retiring Judge William Carver. A primary election will be held February 16th.
Minutes: Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover
to approve the minutes as presented for the December 2nd town board meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Kafer, 2nd
by Schoonover to accept the minutes as presented for the December 2, 2009
special meeting of electors.
Motion carried.
Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis. The balance in the general account is $765,513.97. There is $69,948.70 in 3 separate Fire Truck CD’s and $4,645.43 in the Now account. Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Payment of
invoices –Peggy Hendricks read off the invoices which she approved and
submitted to the board for approval of payment for an amount of $651,433.22. Patsy Pomplun questioned where the money from
the withholding tax came from. Hendricks
stated that it comes from the salaries. Motion by Kafer, 2nd
by Schoonover to pay January’s bills that were submitted.
Motion carried.
Correspondence & Communications: Peggy Hendricks said she received an email from Douglas Zarling for parcel # 022 032901, indicating that he has always used a dumpster and was wondering if he could be refunded for garbage pickup. Egan stated that he will not be refunded. The town is charged by the number of homes. He would have to contact Veolia to have the charge taken off.
Hendricks said that Frederico
& Dawn Guzman for parcel # 022 04003, stated that they did not use garbage
pickup and they did not pay for the charge on their tax bill. The property does not have any
improvements. It is just bare land. Motion
by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to not charge for garbage pickup on bare
land where there is no residence. Motion
Hendricks stated that she had applied and received the General Permit for Erosion control for the Town. This is an annual application.
Egan read a letter that Attorney Selsing sent to Arlo Pit concerning his expired and non-compliance of his conditional use permit ordering that he cease operations. Fred Kasten mentioned that he talked to Wilke and informed him that he would have to come to the zoning board if he wanted to renew his permit.
Tom Egan went though the following:
· Brian Haedt has a new fire number
· A letter from FoxCom concerning the radios for the Fire and Police Departments. There will be an informational meeting in Neenah. Tom Jackson will plan on going to represent the Town.
Public Input: Ellen Newman, 4552 Poygan Ave, requested that Arlo Pit be put on the agenda for discussion. Egan stated that they will not be put on the agenda until they come to us to renew their permit, for as far as the town is concerned, they are done doing business. Newman is very concerned with the reclamation plan. She inquired about the bond. Kasten stated that it is an insurance bond and it is for the reclamation for the property. The premium is due in April of every year, but the policy does not expire. East Central WI will enforce the Reclamation Plan.
Charles Mier, 4871 Poygan Ave, expressed concern on the plowing and salting from the top of the hill to his driveway. It is extremely slippery and dangerous for school buses and other vehicles. The area around the stop sign has been good. Egan will contact Radtke to express our concerns.
Discussion of
maintenance needs at the town hall.
Peggy Hendricks publically announced a Thank you to Eldon and Patsy Pomplun and the Bill Weiss family for the Holiday decorations for the Town hall. It was very much appreciated.
Hendricks requested money for a coat tree. David Huberty, 404 McKinley Ave, Omro, mentioned that he would donate one for the hall.
Peggy Hendricks requested money for accessories for the
Digital Voice Recorder. There was a motion last month for up to $300
for the recorder. The recorder cost
$160. Motion by Kafer,
2nd by Schoonover to approve $150 for accessories for the recorder.
Motion carried.
Workshops and Meetings that were on the agenda were read. Schoonover mentioned that there is a WTA meeting in Ripon which will include Board of Review
Training on February 5th, 2010.
Motion by
Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to allow all board members who can attend
the WTA meeting February 5th at Royal
Ridges in Ripon. Motion carried.
Kafer stated that he has to meet with Dean Kaderabek to go though the fire numbers.
Egan mentioned that the flashing sign that was placed on River Road has been moved, for it was in front of a resident’s home.
Fred Kasten reported that the meeting set for Winnebago County Planning & Zoning Public Meeting was postponed for 30 days because a few townships did not have their new comprehensive land map done.
The meeting with Ayers Associates on December 9th was canceled because of the weather. Another meeting will be set up. A date of January 18th was suggested, but would have to check the date with Eureka Landings, LLC. The bridge will be done in 2011. There will be an open public meeting in the Spring of 2010 to go over with the public the plans for the bridge.
Township Zoning Committee Report: Tom Jackson reported that at the zoning meeting, December 30th, we had a zoning hearing for Gina & Randy Oesterle to split their parcel into two separate parcels and rezone from A-2 to A-3. The committee approved the proposal. They also approved a CSM for parcel number 022 0508 and 022 050801 for Paul Timm and a CSM for parcel #022 002502 for Gina & Randy Oesterle, which was done for Jim Crowley.
by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve zoning change for parcel #022
002502 from A-2 to A-3. Motion carried.
by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve CSM
for parcel # 022 002502 for Jim Crowley. Kafer resended
his motion, for the CSM has to be in the owner’s
name, which is Gina & Randy Oesterle. Motion by Kafer, 2nd
by Schoonover to approve CSM for parcel # 022 002502
for Gina & Randy Oesterle. Parcel will be split into 2 lots. Lot one will consist of buildings and lot 2
will be bare acreage of 3.711. Motion
by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve CSM
for Parcel # 022 0508 & 022 050801 for Paul Timm.
Discussion: They eliminated a 1
acre tax parcel where the homestead was.
It was demolished and he is building a new shed. Lot 1 consist of
19.63 Acres. Hendricks mentioned that
the original CSM for signatures was never
received. Motion carried.
County Zoning Committee Report: Fred Kasten reported the county zoning met on December 30th. Farmland Preservation was discussed and was recommended for approval.
Hendricks had the board fill out the Farmland Preservation Program Input Survey that was sent to all the townships. The choices were that the town agrees with the county on adopting the Farmland Preservation Program or not. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to check YES, the top option for the survey. Motion carried.
Egan bought up a text amendment resolution for Winnebago
County. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by
Schoonover to approve the resolution for the text amendment for Section 071 for
Storm water and Soil Erosion.
Larry Timm reported on some changes that Doyle had changed concerning assessors and trespassing. The law says now that an assessor can go on property without being charged for trespassing unless if a property owner had notified the assessor in writing that he is not allowed. The assessor cannot enter any buildings without the owner being present. An assessor cannot go on crop land or fenced pastures. The assessor is required to leave notice if he has been on the property.
He also bought up recommending that we approve the resolution stating that we do not agree with a county wide assessor, which would put all assessments at the county level instead of the town level.
Tom Egan gave the Building Permit Report. There were 2 permits given out in December.
Discussion on Town Maintenance: Egan mentioned that he has received a few calls on the snow plowing and salting of the roads. Egan will contact Radtkes to express our concerns.
Schoonover mentioned that he received a call that his mail box was hit. The resident will have to call Radtkes to have it replaced.
Patsy Pomplun mentioned that she had talked to a gentleman from the County who asked how satisfied we were with the plowing and if we would consider coming back to the County.
Egan mentioned that County Hwy E and Hwy D is in planning to be redone in 2010. This will have to go out for bids.
The Board did the quarterly auditing of the books.
Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adjourn the meeting at 9:25. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk