shford Town Board Minutes

Wednesday February 3, 2010


The Town of Rushford February 2010 Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on February 3rd by Chairman Tom Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Patrick Kafer, Kathryn Lewis and Peggy Hendricks present.  Also present for all or part of the meeting:  14 additional persons per attendance record on file.


Notice of this meeting was posted at Eureka & Waukau post office, the web page, and the town hall door. Notices were also mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrators.


Public  Input:  Jan Clausen, 9471 Eureka Lock Road, spoke to the board about having the garbage charge dropped for Eureka Campsite, for they have dumpsters.  Veolia informed them they would not pick up garbage that they had to go with dumpsters.  They are paying for dumpsters and garbage pickup. 


Minutes:    Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the minutes as presented for the January 6, 2010 town board meeting.  Motion carried. 


Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis.  The balance in the general account is $545,937.34.  There is $70,070.53 in 3 separate Fire Truck CD’s and $4,645.63 in the Now account.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried. 


Payment of invoices –Peggy Hendricks read off the invoices which she approved and submitted to the board for approval of payment for an amount of $41,663.66. Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to pay January’s bills that were submitted.  Motion carried.


Correspondence & Communications:   A resolution to oppose DOR County Assessment Proposal was presented.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to accept the resolution.  Motion carried.   A resolution to allow at the clerks discretion the number of poll workers that for elections was presented.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve the resolution.  Motion carried.


A letter from Century Tel Company asking for approval to repair, maintain and/or construct any telephone construction that is needed for 2010-2011 was read.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to sign and agree to the blanket permit for Century Tel.


Hendricks read an email from Sergeant Patrick Schoonover offering the services of inmates to do brushing on our town roads.  They offered the help of inmates to do brushing for $2.10/hr, per inmate.  They would provide all the tools except for a chipper and they do have their own insurance. 


Hendricks read a letter from Sue Ertmer suggesting that we purchase a refurnished Accu-Vote election machine.  The machine we have was purchased in 1995 and they do not have parts for repair and the memory cards are no longer made.  The cards cost $250 and Hendricks suggested going in with the Town of Poygan to purchase an extra memory card.  The cost of a refurnished machine is $1500.  They only have 55 units and the price is only good until the end of February.   The reason this is all happening is because Premier, the company we purchase from has been bought out by another company, ES&S.  The county was planning on having the towns purchase new equipment, but the new company does not offer the machines that the county was looking at which would be compatible with our Touch screens. 

Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to table the discussion until next month.  Motion carried with 2 ayes and 1 nay.


Hendricks asked about poll workers receiving pay to attend the meetings that are required.  Mrs Pomplun expressed that she thought this should be voluntary.  Hendricks stated she wanted to get feelings from others, for surveys show that most poll workers do get meeting compensation.  Kafer suggested that Hendricks should discuss with the poll workers what they think.    This will be tabled until next month.


Upcoming meetings and workshops were discussed as listed in the agenda.  Hendricks stated that she had sent in reservations for the board members to attend the WTA District meeting which will be held in Ripon on February 5th.  On February 19th in Neenah, the WMCA association will hold their District Meeting.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to send the clerk to the WMCA District meeting on February 19th.  Motion carried. 


On March 18th at 7:00 pm, the Town of Rushford will host a workshop on the Farmland Preservation Programs.  This is a public workshop.  Egan explain that Martenson & Eisele attended the zoning committee meeting a week ago and they offered to come back to talk about this to the public.  It was decided to invite surrounding townships and we are hoping for county representation also.  Chairman Egan thought this could go out in a newsletter, but it was bought to his attention that a newsletter went out in December and another one will not be going out until May.  The idea was to send a post card out to 10 acre + landowners and to send a letter to the surrounding townships.


Egan stated that from the presentation at the zoning meeting, it was said that it would cost the town $7000-$8000 to redo our zoning map and ordinances if we want to qualify for the program.  Right now there are only 3 farmers participating in the Farmland Preservation program as it is now.   This workshop will inform the town and public on what the new Program offers and what a town would have to do with their zoning ordinances if they decided to adopt the program. 


Kafer stated that we should schedule our meeting for March 18th and notify all the land owners with 10 or more acres. 


Hendricks mentioned that according to state statues, the annual meeting should be held within 10 days after the first Tuesday in April.  Our annual meeting will be April 14 for 2010. 


Reports were given on the past meetings that have been attended as listed in the agenda. 



Township Zoning Committee Report:  Tom Jackson reported on the past zoning meeting.  Most things have been covered by the board earlier.  Jackson did mention that there was discussion on Arlo Pit.  The question was asked if the conditional use permit was revoked by the Town Board, if they would have to re-apply for one.  It was the findings of the committee that he would have to re apply for a conditional use permit. 


Dennis Wilke was present to talk to the town board.  Fred Kasten stated that he had talked to Mr Wilke and there was some confusion over not having proof of insurance.  He will have to re apply for a new conditional use permit and bring it to the zoning committee because of what was decided at the zoning meeting and of the changes in the past couple of weeks.  He will be the sole owner of the pit now and Mr Wilke did bring the reclaimation permit which was updated the first of the year.  A scheduled zoning hearing will be scheduled for February 24th at 7:00.


Mr Wilke stated that he will have a new conditional use permit drawn up with just his name as sole owner.  Chairman Egan asked Mr Wilke if the house on the property is a day care center.  Mr Wilke stated that it was not at this time.  Mr Egan stated that if it was, the property was not zoned for that and if he wanted to have it changed, he should do everything at once.


County Zoning Committee Report:  Fred Kasten reported that the county board will not hold any meetings until after the first of march.


Assessors Report – Larry Timm   Mr Timm stated that when people have questions on their tax bill, they have plenty of time to contact him.  This year right after taxes were sent out, he received a call from an employee from Michels Materials.  He was informed that they were being taxed on some buildings located on State Hwy 21 which have been removed for some time.  Mr Timm thought he had removed them, but they were still on the tax bill.  He is entitled to a refund of the improvement assessment which is $40,4502.  There is a form from the county to fill in to get credit back from the county and the school tax.  Kathryn Lewis mentioned that she had talked to the county treasurer and she said that we had to pay what was left on the property and then we fill out the form to send into the state to receive any refund tax that we are entitled to.  It is due by October 1, 2010.  All the taxes will have to be paid before we can send in the tax refund form to be refunded for the state, county and school tax.  Kathryn Lewis said the amount is $743.18. 


It was asked if Michels could ask for back taxes.  Timm stated that he could go back two years.  Kathryn Lewis stated for the refund form, it is only for the year it is filled out for.  Timm didn’t think they were asking for 2 years, only this year.  Lewis said she would have to figure out what to do since there was a First Dollar Credit taken out. 


Kafer inquired about the assessment on the property of $26,400 on 37.9 acres.  He was wondering if this was the purchase price, or how the assessment was figured.  Timm mentioned that it was mostly farm land, for they had 29 tillable acres.   Kafer pointed out that none of the land was being farmed or tilled. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer for the town to go ahead and pay the taxes of $743.18 for Michels Material and to have the paper work filled out between the treasurer, assessor and clerk and sent in.  Motion carried.


Timm stated that he has not gotten the new tax roll from the county, but he would like to pick up all the building permits that were issued in 2009.  Hendricks said she would get this for him. 


Kafer mentioned Timm should check to see if Jerry Zink rents and tills any of the Michels land and the assessment should change if only 10 acres or less is being tilled, instead of 29. 


Discussion on Town Maintenance:  Brushing by the inmates was discussed.  They do not have a chipper, but they do have all the other tools.  We would either have to rent a chipper or have it burned.    The town has lots of brushing and the price is right.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to have the clerk fill out the paperwork to have this set up for brushing and trimming.  Motion carried. 


Egan mentioned that earlier in the meeting, the garbage cost at Eureka Campsite was discussed.  The Campsite was told that they had to use dumpsters and no garbage is picked up at the road.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to remove the garbage assessment of $140 at the Eureka Dam Campsite.  Discussion:  Patsy Pomplun stated that this item was not on the agenda, it was only discussed during Public Input.  She stated that items under Public Input can be discussed, but not acted on.  Ellen Newman mentioned that we should ask the WTA lawyers the laws on acting on items not on the agenda.  Kafer resended his motion. 


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adjourn the meeting at 9:45.  Motion carried. 


Respectfully Submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk