Rushford Town Board Minutes

Wednesday September 1, 2010


The Town of Rushford Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on September 1 by Chairman Tom Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Kathryn Lewis and Peggy Hendricks present.  Also present for all or part of the meeting:  7 additional persons per attendance record on file.


Statement of Public Notice   The Board Meeting, the Board of Review, Meeting of the board with Zilges, Meeting with Sergeant Sieler, and possible quorum for the Omro/Rushford Fired Department was posted at the Waukau and Eureka Post Office, the web page and the town hall door.  The Board of Review and the September Board meeting was also posted in the Oshkosh Northwestern.  Notices were also mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrators.   


Discussion with Sherriff’s Department   No one was present from the sheriffs’ department, but Tom Egan stated that prior to this meeting, we had a couple of officers here along with others to discuss the townships animal concerns and what to do when officers are called.  There was an incident in August that prompted this meeting.  The conclusion of the meeting was that whenever an officer is called, they will come out.  They will call our animal control officer first, then our constable to decide what to do.  Schoonover stated that the officers commended the Town of Rushford for this meeting and what was accomplished, and will use our township as an example for other townships.


Public Input:  Ellen Newman asked if anything was going on with Arlo Pit.  Egan stated that he talked to Wilke today and he is not sure if he is going to open up the Pit again.  Newman asked where the tax bill was sent to see who had ownership.  Last year it was sent to Runge, but it will have to be looked up on the new assessors roll to see if there have been any changes.  Hendricks stated that today was the dead line for Wilke to have the area seeded down for the reclamation. 


Patsy Pomplun inquired if a bill was ever sent for the hall damage.  Hendricks stated that she was waiting for a cost break down of the power box on the light pole and then she would get a bill out to them. 


Jim Albrights dumpster was tabled from last month.  Hendricks stated that Dave Tellock told her that as a township, we would leave the garbage fee on the tax bill and Veolia will discount this amount off his dumpster bill. 


Clerks Report & Minutes:    Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve the minutes as presented for the August 11, 2010 town board meeting.  Motion carried.  Egan stated that the minutes for the Meeting of Electors will be approved at the annual meeting since it was extended from that meeting in April.  Hendricks reported on the Budget/Finance Meeting which was held in Ripon today.  She also suggested having a separate account for tax monies and tax settlements.


Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis.  The balance in the general account is $202,403.42 There is $70,651.46 in 3 separate Fire Truck CD’s and $2,964.84 in the Now account.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried. 


Payment of invoices –Peggy Hendricks read off the invoices which she approved and submitted to the board for approval of payment for an amount of $70,343.  Schoonover inquired how much was left on the hall mortgage since the monthly bills included a $40,000.  Hendricks stated that there was $118,896. Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to pay September bills that were submitted.  Motion carried.


Correspondence & Communications:   Egan read a letter from the Department of Transportation which had dates of seminars pertaining to provisions and procedures required for acquisition of right of way for transportation improvement projects.  Egan also stated that the Town received the paperwork from the state for certification of miles of public, open and used roads for travel as of 1/1/2011.


New Business:   Hendricks stated that she has had request to put Building permit information on the web page.  Egan says since it is public record, he sees no problem with that.  He does not feel the cost of the building should be online, that if a person wanted to know, they could call the clerk’s office.


Discussion of Town Hall maintenance/needs:   Hendricks requested monies for a new laser printer.  Kathryn Lewis uses a laser printer for tax receipts and her printer has started to wrinkle the sheets of paper.  We have tried to clean it and went though the solutions from HP with no avail.


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to purchase a new laser printer and take the money from software on the budget.   Motion carried.


Egan stated that Mr Traxler was at the hall and he will need to spray once more, for there is green still coming up.  After this they will plant and plan on having it done by October 1st.  They will also mow the back part that is going up to the corn field.  Traxler suggested that we talk to Pompluns or someone to donate some trees, otherwise he will work with us to get some trees planted there.  He recommends hard wood, not evergreens. 


Egan had also talked to Larry Hildebrand and he will be getting a projector before the money is gone from that account. 


It was commented that the Master Gardeners has done a great job with the beautification around the hall.


Upcoming meetings and workshops : 


·         Omro-Rushford Fire Department meeting on September 8th at 7 pm

·         Partisan Primary on September 14.  Polls open at 7 am

·         WTA Annual Convention at LaCrosse Center on October 3-6


Reports on Meetings that have been attended:  Fred Kasten reported on the County’s Farmland Preservation Plan Presentation which was held on August 31 at the Omro Town Hall.  Hendricks reported on the Certification of Chief Inspectors held on August 25, Poll worker and Chief Inspector training at the Community Center on August 27th and the Budget and Finance Workshop in Ripon on September 1st.  Our Chief inspectors are now qualified though 2013.


Tom Egan reported on the Board of Review which was held on August 27th.  There were 4 people signed up to come and 3 showed up.  They went though land, houses, shacks, etc.  They were all lowed in assessment.


Town Zoning Committee Report:  Fred Kasten reported on the zoning meeting which was held on August 25th.  They had an informational meeting with Broadway Estates, for the County wants to rezone the property and have them apply for a Conditional Use permit for the trailers.  Roger Kasuboski was discussed, for he needs a Conditional Use Permit for the temporary building that he put up.  A letter will be written informing him if he does not apply in 7 business days, that he will be fined and legal action will incur.  Egan asked about all the equipment that is out there.  That will be discussed when he has his public hearing on his Conditional use permit.  Kasten also reported that there was discussion on drawing up a job description for our animal control officer.  On the no wake ordinance, we are waiting for GPS coordinates and information from the Corp of Engineers.  Examples of junk ordinances have been acquired and they will be copied for the zoning committee to review. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve the County Resolution for re-zoning of Broadway Estates.   Motion carried.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve the County Conditional Use permit for Broadway Estates.  Motion carried.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve the Text Amendment to Chapter 22 for the County.  Motion carried. 


Discussion on Town Maintenance:  Snowplow contract is up and Egan talked to the County, but they wanted to wait to see what other Townships wanted the county to plow.  We had received a bid from Radtkes and they are down in price from what they have been in other years.  On an average, they are down about $4-$5 on everything and most people think they did a good job last year.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to sign a 3 year contract with Radtkes for the town snowplowing.  Motion carried. 


Hendricks reported that on August 23rd, Diggers Hotline had come out to get the addresses for the fire numbers.  They were then going to mark them, then contact us and we would have 10 days to put the signs up.  She has not heard from them, but it is possible Pat Kafer has, so it won’t be long before these are all put up. 


Approval of CSM for Lee and Mary Poehlman   Mary Poehlman explained that they had a CSM done, for there has been a difference in opinion in where the road was and there are vehicles, wood piles, etc on the road right away.  She explained the property line and it was looked at on our aerial view maps.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve the Certified Survey Map for Lee & Mary Poehlman, part of Gov Lot 2, Section 28, T.18N., R.14E., Town of Rushford, Winnebago Co.  Motion carried. 


Tom Egan reported that the bridge will not be started now until 2012 due to a hold up in Madison in the historical end.  There will be a meeting for the roads.  They have to go look at the gravel alongside Senn Road and decide what they will do with Bell School Road.  They had a meeting with Tim Zilges and he has agreed to give $25,000 over 3 years.  It will be 10-10-5.  After 2 years have passed, he will pay $5000/yr until the pit is done.  They also have to look at ditching on Lost Lane and the tree trimmers are coming in October.


Sue Bohn and Larry McDerrort were present to inform the board that the neighbor’s dogs are very noisy.  They bark at the sound of their door, they cannot work at home and they bark constantly.  The dogs were inside for a couple of weeks, but they are back outside.  Kasten said in our ordinance, only house hold pets are allowed in R-1.  Household pets are considered inside pets.  The owners in question have been warned earlier.  They have been trying to have this resolved since April.  Constable Sean Edinger will follow up on this. 


It was questioned if the landlord, Leann Meinen, could also be fined as a responsible party. 


Tom Egan stated that the property owned by Tom Schroeder at Ann & Quarry is not clearing his lawn.  Complaints have been made.  Egan requested that a letter be sent. 


Books were audited.

Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to adjourn the meeting at 9:30.  Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk