Rushford Town Board Minutes

Wednesday, December 7 2011


The Town of Rushford Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Thomas Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Kathryn Lewis, and Peggy Hendricks present.  Patrick Kafer was excused.  Also present for all or part of the meeting:  17 additional persons per attendance record on file, although several others were present, but did not sign in.


Statement of Public Notice:   The Rushford Board Meeting and notice of adoption of the No-Wake ordinance meeting was posted at the Eureka and Waukau Post office, the town hall door and the town web page.  Notices were mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrator.   Public notice of the budget hearing and the meeting of electors were posted and additionally published in the Oshkosh Northwestern. 



Sheriff’s Department representative:   Deputy McMillin was present to hear concerns and answer questions.  Tom Egan inquired about the break-in that occurred on state hwy 116.  Deputy McMillin gave tips on what to do if someone enters your home or your property.



Guest speaker – Paul Reinhard from the Omro Post Office:  Mr Reinhard was present to answer any questions about the closure of Eureka and Waukau Post office.  It is tentatively planned to close Waukau in the middle of January.  He advised Waukau residents to use Omro, WI instead of Waukau, WI for there were quite a few problems when Eureka closed.  Questions were asked; such as if notification would be sent, zip codes, and duplicate street names with Rushford and Omro.  It was stated that the house numbers will tell emergency crews where the property is located and all mail from the County and the township, will be sent to Omro, WI and not to Waukau or Eureka, WI.  This will make it uniform in all the software programs.  New structures will be Omro, WI and they will not have a choice of using Waukau or Eureka.  Discussion of placement of the towns posting board was discussed.  The Community Center seemed like the best place for Waukau and there will be discussion in the future for Eureka posting board.



Clerks Report & Minutes:    Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve the minutes as presented for the November 2, 2011 town board meeting.  Motion carried. 



Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis.  The balance at the end of November in the general account is $220,379.62. The Town tax account has $105.86.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried. 



Payment of invoices:  Peggy Hendricks approved and submitted to the board the bills for November in the amount of $28,851.88 for approval of payment.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to pay December’s bills as submitted.  Motion carried.  There will be a special meeting of the board before the end of the year to clear out the end of the year invoices which we receive. 



Public Input:   Wendy Laverenz, 3094 Quarry Drive, Eureka stated that her property has Franklin Street in the description and the road was changed to Quarry Drive. 


Ellen Newman asked the clerk if she any information was received from Dennis Wilke  on the Conditional use permit for Arlo Pit. Nothing was received at this time.  Mr Egan stated that he has been working on the lights. 


Her concerns were the bonding for the roads, the setbacks, the berm, the name on the reclamation plan, if the reclamation plan is valid with the wrong owner/operator on, and why no planting has been done.  She would like to see the bonding for the town, she would like to know how close the pit is to the road and wants a berm and trees planted.  Tom Egan stated that nothing has been done yet, for he was to bring in the name change first.  He cannot do anything if this is not done.  The Conditional use permit was renewed with the understanding these articles had to be bought into the clerk’s office. 


Wendy Laverenz asked for a street light on the corner of Quarry & Division.  There is a very sharp corner there and it is very dark.  There was one there years ago, but the neighbors wanted it taken out.  It will be put on the agenda for next month. 


Jan Clausen asked if the brush that was cut would be coming out of the ditches before the snow came.  Tom Egan said that was the plan.  The chipper was broke, but is being repaired. 


Russ Lee asked if he could burn the wood which was left on his property.  Mr Egan stated he could. 


Sean Edinger asked if anyone knew who had an orange duck skiff, please contact him, for some things have been stolen up by the campgrounds.


Communications & Correspondence:


·         Tom Egan read an email received from a resident about snow being piled next to their mailbox.  Mr Egan had called Radtkes and they had not plowed snow, so it must have been the neighbor.  In the winter newsletter, there is a section that explains about pushing snow out in the roadway.

·         Tom Egan read the email from Andy Shie concerning Waukau Assessors Plat

·         Tom Egan read the the letter from Winnebago County Office of Corporation Counsel on the foreclosure tax lien sale for parcel number 022-0702-02 on January 4, 2012.

·         Tom Egan read the notice of complete application for proposed riprap and dredging from the DNR for Jon Friedrich.

·         Tom Egan read a letter from Lee & Associates, Engineering, Surveying and Environmental Services concerning residual contamination beneath Archery Drive – Mr Frederick Van Handels property in Waukau.

·         Tom Egan thanked Ellen Newman for the article on the Town hall which was in the Omro Herald.  He also thanked the Pompluns for decorating outside.  

·         Peggy Hendricks pointed out the Wisconsin Books which Representative Spanbauer bought for each member of the board. 

·         Peggy Hendricks read an email from Dominion Voting asking us if we wanted to get rid of our old OS.  The board felt we should keep it since we are not over crowded. 


Discussion of Town Hall maintenance/needs:   The outlet outside does not work for the trees.  It will be looked at and if need be, an electrician will be called.  Peggy Hendricks read an email from the Historical Society asking us if we would be interested in donating our old plat books.  The board wants to keep them at the hall.  Mr Egan stated when the hall was built; it was built for room to keep all the old record books.



Discussion on Town Maintenance:   Tom Egan went though the contract from Radtkes for snowplowing.  Jerry asked when the contract expires, if that is when we would go for bids.  This was a rate sheet for the 2011-2012 year.  Tom stated that was so.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to sign the rate sheet for 2011-2012 snow removal from Radtkes.  Motion carried. 


Ellen Newman presented a short speech on Pearl Harbor day and the importance of remembering these special occasions. 


Brushing:  Tom Egan stated that the project crew from the correction department is almost done.  They are working with smaller crews and will be chipping and cutting wood they missed.


Roads:  Freunds has been out patching holes.  If anyone sees a pot hole, they should call a supervisor or the chairman.  There will be a lot of road work done next year as soon as weather permits.  



New Business:  Peggy Hendricks stated that she had a power point presentation for the budget hearing and the meeting of electors, but the projector would not work.  It was working tonight, so she showed the budget presentation. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to approve and adopt the 2012 budget.  Motion carried. 


Jerry Schoonover asked when the town hall had to be paid off.  Kathryn Lewis stated it was by September.  Jerry Schoonover asked if it could maybe be paid off this year with the road money that was not used and use the money for the town hall for roads.  This will be discussed at the Special meeting at the end of December. 


Peggy Hendricks explained that she had a list from the Republican party of election inspector nominations for the town.  She has to go through this list before contacting other qualified inspectors. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to appoint election officers for 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2013 as presented by the list from the clerk.  Motion carried. 


The Town of Rushford will received $668.00 for per capita funding program allocation. 

Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to allocate our funds to the City of Omro for the promotion of local business and industrial development efforts.  Motion carried. 


Fred Kasten explained that the Town has to decide if they want to opt in or opt out of County Zoning.  There will be 4 regional meetings to review proposed zoning maps.  We now have Town zoning.  We will have to rewrite our ordinances to have them easy read and to be more specific.  If we went with County zoning, we would still maintain a zoning committee, but the costs would be higher.  Jerry Schoonover stated he likes Town zoning.  He feels people like to come to the Town instead of the County for changes.  Tom Egan stated that they will have all the rules and regulations and we would not have the personal contact we have now.  Motion by Egan, 2nd by Schoonover to stay with Town Zoning.  Patsy Pomplun stated she wished the Town would be more consistent.  Maybe with the rewrite, it would be more consistent.  Fred Kasten also mentioned that complaints should be written, not just mentioned to members of the committee or the board.  Motion carried.



Old Business:  Proposals for update/rewrite of Towns Ordinances:  Fred Kasten reported he has 4 bids ranging from $7000 - $21,000.  We are waiting to hear from a member of our zoning committee who is qualified to undertake this project. 



County Zoning Committee Report – Fred Kasten

Fred mentioned that the county is having 4 meetings on this and even if we have opted out of County zoning, it still would be beneficial to attend.    



Reports on Meetings that have been attended:  







County Report by Tom Egan: 


·         The Budget was passed by the board.

·         There is a new tower going up for frequency for the radios.

·         The bridge in Eureka will start in June

·         There is a new highway commissioner.

·         There are new board members from retirements and passing away, and elections of county board members will be this spring.

·         Parkview is coming down. 



Upcoming meetings and workshops:




Building Permit Report:  Tom Egan reported there were 3 building permits for the month of October.


Justin Berans (Freund)      3240 Delhi Road, Omro     573-2306

Foundation for home by Shotzke Concrete

$50,000                                 parcel 022 255901                              November 19, 2011


Tom Yost, 3512 Island Ave, Omro, WI  54963                             460-1066

Insulation/wiring improvement by self

$4,000                                   parcel # 022 0480                               November 14, 2011


Peter Steger, 2871 Cty Rd E, Berlin, WI          685-5325

60x80 stick shed with concrete floor by Sheik Construction

$25,000                                 parcel 022 0704                                  November 19, 2011


Fred Kasten reported on Enterprise School.  The closing will be done before the end of the year.  The concern is that it was surveyed in 1961.  It was just re-surveyed.  It is only off about a ft from the last survey.  There is about 30’ on the south side that has been farmed by a neighbor.  He would like the school to quick deed it to him.  Fred is against this, for a lot of these parcels have done this without a description and it is no-mans land.  A new CSM should be done and he does not feel the school should pay for this.  There will be additional costs.  The school property will have to be rezoned, but that will be done at a later date.  It does not have to be done for closing on the property. 


Mrs Fisher stated that the new speed limit signs are up.  Jan Clausen mentioned that she thinks the speed limit signs on Eureka Lock Road are not right.  There is not a 25 mph up by Craig’s and then it should go to 45 mph.  Tom Egan will call the highway department.  He will also inquire on the “Senn” road sign that has been missing. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to adjourn at 9:25.  Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk