Rushford Town Board Minutes

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The Town of Rushford August Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Thomas Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Patrick Kafer, Kathryn Lewis, and Peggy Hendricks present.  Also present for all or part of the meeting: 10 additional persons per attendance record on file, although several others were present, but did not sign in.


Statement of Public Notice:   Notice of this meeting and the zoning-planning committee meeting was posted at the Town Hall, the town web page, the Waukau post office and the corner of K&E in Eureka.  In addition, the public hearings were published in the Oshkosh Northwestern.  Notices were mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrator.  


Sheriff’s Department representative:   No one was present.


 Clerks Report & Minutes:    Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve the minutes as presented for the July 11th Town board meeting.  Motion carried.


Treasurers Report was given by Kathryn Lewis.  The balance at the end of July in the general account is $300,852.89.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried. 


Payment of invoices:  Peggy Hendricks approved and submitted to the board the bills for August in the amount of $14,564.79 for approval of payment.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to pay August bills as submitted.  Motion carried. 


Public Input:  Patsy Pomplun, 7505 County Rd E, Omro, stated that they paid $350 for a zoning hearing and received a bill for the publication and the certified letters.  Two years ago, the Town charged $300 to cover the entire zoning hearing.  They realized they were not covering all the costs, so Ms Pomplun made a motion at the Annual meeting to raise the fee to $350.  It was never discussed to charge for postage and publication.  Mrs Pomplun was told by Kathryn Lewis that the charge was not to be included.  Mrs. Pomplun would like to see in the minutes when she made the motion.  She also stated the zoning application comes from the Town Association.  Because the wording, she feels that is why Mrs. Hendricks charges for the publication and postage.  She feels that if $350 does not cover the expenses, then the resident should be charged the excess amount, or if the town is going to charge for both, the fee should be $300. 


Tom Egan stated this will be on the agenda for September. 


Communications & Correspondence: 

·         Hendricks read an email from Danielle Zarling regarding her neighbor’s fence.  Ms Zarling feels since the property has been sold, the fence should be moved before the sale is final.  Mr. Egan stated this has been talked about several times.  It was to stay as is.  This is because our ordinance reads a fence can be put on the line and in another place, it states it should be 2’ off.  This is why the Town is going through a rewrite to correct contradictions such as this.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to send Ms. Zarling a letter stating the Town Boards position is remaining as is.  The fence will stay as it is until the owner decides he would like to change.  Motion carried.

·         Hendricks read an email from Winnebago County Highway Commission stating a night arrow was down on Liberty School Road near 37th Ave.  This will be repaired when they are in the area.


Discussion of Hall maintenance:  

·         Hendricks stated the toilet was not working correctly in the men’s bathroom.  A replacement part has been purchased and she will have it repaired.


Pat Kafer stated that next time DKAL is doing repair at the hall, we should check into having a motion switch in the bathrooms.


Discussion of Town maintenance:  


Roads & Brushing: 

·         Mr Egan asked if anyone has received word from Ripon Truck on a quote for grinding stumps.  The brush should also be cut back on Quarry Drive and Eureka Road.  Hendricks will call Ripon Truck. 


New Business: 

·         A survey was taken on the Clerks List for the wages of Poll Workers.  Hendricks stated we are below the average and would like to see the wage raised.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to raise the poll workers wage from $7.50/ hour to $8.00.  Motion carried. 


Town Zoning Committee Report – Dan Stokes: 

Mr Stokes reported that they met on July 25th.  There were several public hearings on the agenda.  The first was a Conditional Use permit for Peter Steger to operate a vehicle repair/fabrication business on his parcel #022 0704 located at 2871 County Hwy E, Berlin WI. 


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Egan to issue Peter Steger, 2871 County Road E, Berlin WI, a Conditional Use permit for parcel #022 0704 to allow him to operate a repair/fabrication business with the understanding that no junk will be around and vehicles and farm machinery be stored in the back or in the shop.  He cannot sell vehicles from the premise unless he rezones to Commercial.

DISCUSSION:  Kafer asked if this building was built to Commercial specs when it was built.  Egan pointed out the land is not zoned commercial.  Kafer stated he realizes this, but if a business is going to be run out of the shop, it should be to Commercial specs.  Steger stated it was built by a builder, but it was not a “Commercial” building. 

Motion carried.


A zoning change for Parcel #022 0516, Eldon & Patsy Pomplun for 1.389 acres out of 34.2A to be zoned A-3 from A-2. 


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the zoning change and CSM for Eldon & Patsy Pomplun, 7505 County Road E, Omro for parcel #022 0516 for 1.389A of the 34.2A to be re-zoned A-3, Rural Residential from A-2, agricultural,  as shown on the presented CSM.  Motion carried.


Tim Zillges, agent for Jim & Jan Clausen requested a Conditional use permit for parcel #022 0787 on Morrow Road.  This is an operating pit and the Conditional use permit asks to change the Operator from Jim Clausen to Tim Zillges.  Everything else would stay the same, such as hours of operation, etc.  Mr Stokes stated that Ray Ellis, a property owner was present at the meeting, for he had water drainage concerns.  Mr Zillges stated the water was rerouted and the operation is approved by the County.  The zoning committee approved the Conditional Use permit to Tim Zillges, under the name Eureka Pines, to operate the Pit under current conditions with an Operational Plan to be submitted and Town Board approved within 90 days.


Tom Egan stated this permit is only for change in the operator of the pit.  Everything would be run just as it is now.  Pat Kafer expressed concerns about the road.  Tom Egan said a plan should be submitted, but Mr. Zillges would like to start operation as soon as possible.  Conditions should be worked out within 90 days or sooner if possible.  Tom Egan stated the pumping of water will have to be looked at and the County should come and look at the present condition of the road.  Schoonover stated that the neighbors are concerned about the speed limit on the road.  Pat Kafer would like to schedule a meeting after the fair to discuss the operation and conditions.  He feels the pit would be operated at a higher degree then what it is at this time and that causes concern.


Mr Zillges stated that the reclamation plan will stay the same and much of the operation plan is in the reclamation plan.  He would like to know what else he would need.


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to grant a temporary 90 day Conditional Use to Tim Zillges – Eureka Pines, to operate the Clausen pit on Morrow Road, parcel #  022 0787, as is.  An operation plan which includes conditions has to be submitted in 90 days and approved by the board.  The permit would be permanent at that time. 


DISCUSSION:  Fred Kasten stated the road condition should be documented by the County or Town and should be videotaped.  This is a separate issue and should be addressed in the conditions.  The operation plan includes hours and days of operation, owner and operator, etc


Pat Kafer stated he has concerns that with other pits, it took months to approve and this one came though effortlessly, which is fine, but the other pits had to have the conditions all worked out with the board before approval.  Ellen Newman stated the Conditional use permit only asks for change in operator. 


Motion carried.


Dan Stokes stated the Jesse Domke had a CSM approved at the last board meeting, but the county would not sign it, for the lot lines had to be changed because of the boundary lines of the school districts.  He presented a new CSM to the Town Board.


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the CSM for Jesse Domke, parcels #022 1553, 022 1554, 022 062101 and 022 0621.  Motion carried.


Mr Stokes reported that there was discussion on the new ordinance rewrite.


Wendy Laverenz, 3094 Quarry Drive Omro, presented the board with a CSM for approval.  A CSM was drawn up to clarify the property boundaries since Division Street was vacated.  Pat Kafer is concerned that a garage and LP tank now sits on the property of Lavernz’s since the drawing of lot lines from the vacated street. Kafer stated if it was a house, a person cannot just take ownership of a home because lot lines were redrawn.  Ms Laverenz stated the garage needs to come down, for it is in very bad shape and the LP tank should be removed.  Mr Kasten stated that she should get something in writing from the other property owner to vacate the garage, sign off on the existing building or some kind of an agreement.  This home is in foreclosure and Ms. Laverenz thought there was a potential buyer.  Tom Egan asked Ms. Laverenz if she felt she owned 3/4 of the garage.  She stated she felt she did.


Mr Kasten said that the road is 66’.  The CSM puts 33’ on Laverenz’s property, but the other 33’ is sitting in limbo and no taxes are being paid on it.  He feels the property owner will have to release the building.  Mr Kasten said that it should be discussed in our towns’ ordinance that when a purchase is made in the village, a survey is required. 


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to table this until September and have the Town attorney look at this.

DISCUSSION:  Pat Kafer stated if something came back before next month, it should be forwarded to Ms. Lavernz.  Motion carried. 

County Zoning Report – Fred Kasten:  Mr Kasten attended the Plan Commission network meeting at the Coughlin center on July 24th.  This meeting was for Towns who were deciding to either opt in to County Zoning or to have their own zoning code.  He made a presentation to the Town of Winchester, who is considering going to Town zoning instead of County Zoning. 


Building Permit Report – Tom Egan:


Michael Miller, 8809 Ann St, Omro, WI

28’x36’ wood garage built by Jacob Mast for $12,000


Mr Egan had concerns about the driveway and if it would need a culvert.  The neighbor is concerned that water might come over the road.  Mr Egan had told Mr Miller to contact the County and it was stated on the building permit. 


County Update by Chairman Egan:  Tom Egan had contacted the County on the request from last meeting about the possibility of replacing the footbridge in Waukau.  They replied that it is possible the DOT might let them build a replacement if it didn’t have any impact in the right of way.  It wouldn’t be allowed in the same location since that was partially in the right away, but the DOT would need more information.  They sent a contact number for someone who is involved in the planning to contact. 


An informational meeting will be held next week on the possibility of the County purchasing the Tri County Ice Arena. 


The Secretary of Agriculture is going to go ahead with the Farmland Preservation.


Reports of Attended Meetings: Hendricks reported she attended the County Unit meeting at Omro Town hall on July 12th.


Upcoming Workshops & Meetings:  



Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adjourn at 8:15.  Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk