Rushford Town Board Minutes

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The Town of Rushford August Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Thomas Egan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken with Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Patrick Kafer, and Peggy Hendricks present.  Kathryn Lewis had knee surgery and is laid up.  Also present for all or part of the meeting: 12 additional persons per attendance record on file, although several others were present, but did not sign in.


Statement of Public Notice:   Notice of this meeting, the meeting of the board on August 24th, and the zoning-planning committee meeting was posted at the Town Hall, the town web page, the Waukau post office and the corner of K&E in Eureka.  In addition, the public hearing and election equipment testing was published in the Oshkosh Northwestern.  Notices were mailed to Town Board members and the Zoning Administrator.  


Sheriff’s Department representative:   No one was present.


 Clerks Report & Minutes:    Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve the minutes as presented for the August 1st Town board meeting.  Motion carried.  Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to approve the minutes as presented for the August 24th Town meeting of the board.  Motion carried.


Treasurers Report was given by Peggy Hendricks.  The balance at the end of August in the general account is $381,340.66.  Hendricks commented that a deposit from the US Treasury Department for $1822 was made on August 22.  She does not know what this deposit is for.  She was told it was not from the IRS.  She left a message with the US Treasury Department explaining about the deposit, for she was on hold for a few hours and did  not get though to anyone.  Motion by Kafer 2nd by Schoonover to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried. 


Payment of invoices:  Peggy Hendricks approved and submitted to the board the bills for September in the amount of $36,105.83 for approval of payment.  Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to pay September bills as submitted.  

DISCUSSION:  Thomas Egan asked for the details for the attorney bill.  Hendricks explained that it was the initial meeting she had and the letters which were sent.  Patsy Pomplun inquired what the payment for $348.85 for hall supplies.  Hendricks stated that check was sent out last month and was put in detail in the submittal of bills for August.  The check was for $16 – water and coffee, $15.75 for toilet parts, $15 – cleaning and $302.10 for registered letters and stamps. Mrs Pomplun thought it should be under office supplies.  Hendricks explained that it was in that category for the bill submittal for August, but this report from Kathryn Lewis is for the checks that were sent out in August and she just puts in a general category on the report.  Since coffee and water was listed first, she had used hall supplies.

Motion carried. 


Public Input:  Jim Moore stated that he received his 911 numbers for his property on County Trk M.  He was concerned that this property might not be in the Town of Rushford.  Mr Egan explained that the County is responsible for the numbers that are given out.  Mr Moore asked if he could make his own number plaque instead of having the town order one.  Mr Egan explained that even though this is an empty lot, the number has to be one of our fire number signs.


Wendy Laverenz, 3094 Quarry Drive Omro, inquired about when the brush trimming will be done on Quarry road.  Mr Egan stated this will be done this fall.  She inquired about a bump on Hwy E and Hwy K.  Mr Egan stated these are on County roads.  There is a pot hole that needs to be filled in on Division Street.  She asked if the gravel on River Road will stay as it is.  Mr Kafer explained this is “chip and seal”.


Michael Schraa thanked everyone who voted for him and hopes that they will vote for him in the November election.



Communications & Correspondence: 

·         Mr Egan received the annual road certification forms and they would like this done by October 15th.

·         The Rushford-Omro Fire Department meeting will be on September 12 at 7:00

·         A letter was received from Jim Schoonover stating that he will reimburse the Town for legal fees regarding the vacating of the alley at 2606 State Road 116.

·         The equalized value was received from the Department of Revenue.

·         An email was received from Carol Knier that had a summary of concerns regarding the Fox Wisconsin Heritage Parkway.  Hendricks stated that there is a link on the Towns web page that tells what is new concerning this parkway project.


Discussion of Hall maintenance:  

·         Hendricks said that the hall should be sprayed for bugs, but she does not know when the best time would be.  Mr Egan suggested calling Poygan Pest.

·         Thomas Egan thanked Eldon and Patsy Pomplun for the donation of the basketball hoop.



Discussion of Town maintenance:  

Roads & Brushing: 

·         Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to have Ripon Truck trim brush, remove stumps and mulch the town roads up to $10,000 and to approve the deferred billing until January 2013. 

Mr Egan explained that the work on Bell School Road will be done next year for a TRIPP grant will be applied for.  The County will pay 50% of the cost with TRIPP.


New Business: 

·         Thomas Egan read a complaint letter from Kristin Freeman, parcel #022 1534, concerning her neighbor.  The concerns are:

o    They have been threatened 3 different times

o    A fence was put up with scrap wire with wires sticking out, which could hurt her child.  This is either on the lot line or on their property.

o    A garden shed was put up on the corner of Division St and Quarry Drive.

o    Property stake(s) have been pulled.

o    Unregistered vehicles on his land

o    Sounds like he is running a business out of his pole shed

o    Has burned a hot tub and tires which produces a lot of black smoke.

o    Yelling names and junk next to his shed.


Mr Egan said that the unregistered vehicles should be checked into.  He stated that he knows that Mr Graf works for Phyllis Miller, who owns property and that is probley the work that is being done in his shop.  A person cannot burn tires either in or out of town, the yelling of names is hearsay and between them, the fence can be on the property line and it is not the town’s responsibility on where the lot lines are.  Mr Egan suggested that the Constable check things out.


Old Business:  The discussion on zoning hearing fees was tabled from last month.  Hendricks had found the following in past minutes:

·         On November 5, 2008, Pat Kafer made a motion to change the zoning price to $350 at the beginning of the year and only charge additional fees if something needs to be changed, canceled or re-advertised.  Motion carried.

·         On January 5, 2011, Mr Kafer made a motion to send certified letters to property owners for any zoning as an additional cost.  Motion carried.

·         Hendricks sent invoices for publications and registered letters starting May, 2011.


Patsy Pomplun said up until that time, all costs were covered under the $350.  She feels it should still be that way.  She asked how much a zoning hearing costs.  Hendricks stated that if everyone was present, $270 would be for meeting per diems.  It is unknown for mileage.  The Town does not pay administration fees for the zoning paper work which is done.  Publication costs usually range from $40-$65.  She feels the Town would be breaking even with the publication being covered in the fee, but would be losing money if the Town paid the postal costs.  This is the board’s decision on what they want included in the fees.  Usually this is discussed at the November meeting or at the Budget meeting. 


Mr Egan said that since 2008 when the Town raised the price, the town broke even at the $350 without the registered letters.  He feels it is very important that registered letters be sent to the property owners.  He does not feel we are making extra money except when we have more than one hearing at one time.


Town Zoning Committee Report – Dan Stokes: 

Mr Stokes reported that they met on August 29th.  They approved the Conditional use permit for parcel # 022 05570101 for Ken Jungwirth and Chi Whitemarsh to put up an accessory building prior to a home and that this building could be in front of the proposed home.  Dean Kaderabek presented preliminary ordinance booklets for the board to review. 


Action by the Board:


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to issue a Conditional use permit to Kenneth Jungwirth & Chi Whitemarsh, parcel #022 05570101 to allow a 36’x72’ accessory building to be built prior to house construction and to allow the accessory building to protrude in front of the proposed residence. This will be valid for 3 years.

DISCUSSION:  Egan asked if he does building for others.  Mr Jungwirth stated that he is retired and he only does work for himself.  There will not be any commercial work done in the accessory building.    

Motion carried.


Tom Egan read an email from Attorney Blazel concerning the Towns approval of the Certified Survey map for Wendy Laverenz.  This email stated that the town should approve the CSM for the neighboring garage encroachment on the property is not being created by the CSM, rather it was created when Division Street was vacated.  The CSM does not violate any town ordinances.

Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve the CSM for Parcel #022 0618 for Wendy Laverenz.  Motion carried.


On August 24, 2012, the board met with Tim Zillges and Jim Clausen on parcel #022 0787 on Morrow Road to discuss conditions for a Conditional use permit.   


Motion by Schoonover, 2nd by Kafer to issue a Conditional Use to Agent Tim Zillges – Eureka Pines, to operate the Clausen pit on Morrow Road, parcel #  022 0787 with the following conditions:


1.       Berms will be constructed in accordance with the Township Ordinances and as shown on the drawing on the Existing Site Condition Map.

2.       A bond will be held for the road to the Town of Rushford

3.       The operator will be 100% responsible for 50’ on each side of any entrances

4.       An annual review will be held with Mr. Zillges and the Town of Rushford Board

5.       Only clean fill will be hauled into the pit

6.       Copies of the reclamation bond renewal and financial bond shall be sent to the Clerk yearly.

7.       This permit is issued for a maximum of eight (8) years, consisting of not more than six (6) years for operational phase and not more than two (2) years for reclamation phase.  Upon expiration of the operational phase permit, the operator may request a permit extension.


DISCUSSION:  Tim Zillges stated that he received a bond, but it was made out to East Central instead of the Town of Rushford.  Ellen Newman stated that there is not a fire number for the pit.  Hendricks will contact the county to have a number issued and order a 911 sign.  Motion carried.


Update on rewrite of Town Ordinances:  Dean Kaderabek reported that he has prepared a preliminary first draft of the rewrite to the zoning committee.  They will meet at the end of September to discuss any concerns or questions.  It will then be presented to the Town Board and any changes that have to be made will be made before going back to the Planning and Zoning Board for a final time.  A Town public hearing will be held then it will go back to the Town Board for final approval.  The residents should watch the Town web page for drafts of the rewrite. 


Dean then went over some of the high points of the changes. 


Building Permit Report – Tom Egan:


John Drexler, 7923 Cty Road K, Omro, WI  54963

Blacktop Driveway by Custom Paving, North Freedom, WI

$5,500                                   August 15, 2012


Chris Applebee, 7460 Hwy 91 – 685-5527

Self built garage – 18x30, cement floor

$2,000                                   August 29, 2012


Duane Langer, 8762 Ann St, Eureka

Reside garage by Larry Salinas, Quarry Road

$2,000                                   August 29, 2012


Phyllis Miller, 8756 Washington St, Eureka 685-7439

Concrete driveway by Stafford Concrete at 8809 Ann St, Eureka

$5,000                                   August 29, 2012


County Update by Chairman Egan:  Tom Egan stated the previous night they had a meeting on the insurance for the employees.  It was a 4 hour meeting and also went into closed session.  They were told at the last minute, that if this was not voted for, there would not be insurance for employees starting October 1st.  


Reports of Attended Meetings:  Hendricks reported there were 233 voters on August 14, 2012.


Upcoming Workshops & Meetings:  



Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to approve monies for registration for the WTA workshop and WTA convention for anyone who desires to attend.  Motion carried.


Motion by Kafer, 2nd by Schoonover to adjourn at 8:20.  Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Hendricks, Clerk