Rushford Zoning Organizational Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Committee & Board members present:  Fred Kasten, Dan Stokes, Russ Lee, Ellen Newman, Patsy Pomplun, Jerry Schoonover, Tom Egan.  In addition were Peggy Hendricks, Jan Clausen and Larry Hildebrand.   Fred Kasten read the organizational rules and duties from the Towns ordinance.


Motion by Newman, 2nd by Pomplun to nominate Dan Stokes as chairperson.  Motion carried.


Chairman Stokes asked for nominations for vice-chair.


Jerry Schoonover nominated Russell Lee for vice-chair.

Patsy Pomplun nominated Ellen Newman for vice-chair.  Ellen Newman withdrew her nomination.

Ellen Newman nominated Nicole Bahn. 

A counted vote was taken:  3 for Nicole Bahn, 2 for Russell Lee


Chairman Stokes asked for nominations for recording secretary. 

Russell Lee nominated Ellen Newman.  Jerry Schoonover 2nd the nomination.  Motion carried.


Ellen Newman presented a chart for a suggested staggered 3 year term for the committee.  After discussion, Ellen Newman made a motion to accept the staggered 3 year term as presented.  Motion 2nd by Patsy Pomplun.  A voice vote ended up in a tie.  Chairman Stokes voted nay. 


The Zoning Committee drew numbers for the length of their term. 

                Russell Lee                         3 years

                Dan Stokes                         3 years

                Ellen Newman                  2 years

                Nicole Bahn                       1 year

                Jerry Schoonover             1 year


The chairperson, vice chair and recording secretary will be appointed each year in April.

If someone cannot fill out their term, a person will be appointed to finish the term.

At the end of the term, the Town Chairman will nominate someone for the next term.


Tom Egan thanked the committee.


Motion by Pomplun, 2nd by Newman to adjourn.  Motion carried.