Rushford Zoning Committee Minutes

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Committee & Board members present:  Tom Jackson, Larry Hildebrand, Dean Kaderabek, Fred Kasten, Tom Egan, Jerry Schoonover, Peggy Hendricks; also present for all or part of the meeting:  4 additional persons per attendance record on file.  Prior to the call to order, the committee viewed the Proposed Rushford Zoning from the County.  Tom Jackson called the meeting to order at 6:20.


Proposed Rushford Zoning Map from the County:   There were several parcels in question.  It was suggested that the clerk send a certified letter, a SASE, an information letter and a check list out to everyone informing them of their present zoning and the proposed County zoning.  Dean Kaderabek will send a list to the clerk containing all the proposed zoning changes.    The County will change the zoning for free.  This is a onetime offer and the information will have to be available for the County’s February 20th meeting.


There was discussion on nominations for the zoning committee.  At least two new people will be nominated at the Annual Meeting.  Tom Egan stated he has had 3 people already show interest.  It was hoped that a new committee would be in place for the amendment of the town ordinances. 


Dean Kaderabek submitted a proposal to rewrite the town ordinances.  This will go in front of the town board.  Motion by Larry Hildebrand, 2nd by Tom Egan to present the rewrite proposal from Dean Kaderabek to the Town Board.  Dean Kaderabek sustained from the vote.  Motion carried.


Discussion on James Erdmann, parcel # 022 0312-02: Peggy Hendricks passed out a report that had every communication from the zoning and town board meetings from December 2010 to present regarding parcel # 022 0312-02.  Fred Kasten reported he has not been able to contact James Erdmann.  He has stopped out at the property and it looks like someone is living there (not Mr. Erdmann), but no one has come to the door.  The property is still owned by Erdmann.  It was suggested to send a certified letter that explains the violations and a deadline of 30 days for whoever is on the premises, to move out.  There is not a conditional use permit to live in a basement.  It was mentioned that it does not pay to send a certified letter if the owner does not accept it.  This has happened before.  The constable had hand delivered the letter.  The process of eviction should be checked into.  Social Services and the Health department have been contacted.   Tyler Sleeter, representative from the Sheriff’s department,  offered a few suggestions.  He suggested contacting an attorney or the county to serve them some kind of paper work to get things moving.   It was suggested to call the WTA attorneys and ask them what we should do. 


Motion by Kaderabek, 2nd by Hildebrand to adjourn at 7:10.  Motion carried.